Our Sermon for Sunday, January 13th at 10:30 AM is titled "Universal Holiness and Happiness" and will be given by Rev Paul Langston-Daley. The roots of our faith are buried deep in the soil of Christianity. This has provided us with fertile soil from which we have grown a rainbow of diverse limbs and branches. Today we explore the history of our Universalist faith and one of it's champions, Hosea Ballou. Come and hear what our thoughts are all about. I hope you'll join us as we continue our search for ways to have a satisfying and productive life. You will find us at The Unitarian Church, 309 North Main Street, Fall River phone 508-678-9700
Church Calendar
Every First Wednesday -- 6:30 PM -- Lower Highlands/Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association
Every First Thursday -- 6 PM - Our Revolution Greater Fall River
Every Second Sunday -- 3 PM to 7 PM -- Meditation Group
Every Friday - 9:00 AM thru 12:00 Noon -- Course in Miracles and Dream Study