As is Unitarian Universalist tradition the last service of the year, June 20 th, will be The Flower Communion in celebration of Rev. Norbert Capek who created this service to bring his varied congregants together in beauty. This service comes at a time when we also celebrate the coming of the flowers from our Earth, and in our gardens, bringing their beauty after the darkness of winter.
This year, as we celebrate from our homes, please have a couple flowers with you to join in the communion. This will be our last service until we re open in September on the 12th. We are planning in person services starting in September. What a year it has been.
Lisa Kirk graduated from Andover Newton Theological School with a Masters of Divinity in 2015. She is a member of the Arlington Street Church in Boston. She has served as pulpit supply in several pulpits over the past eight years in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut. She has worked in ministry for the homeless on the streets of Waltham, she currently serves as a prison chaplain and works full time as a hospice chaplain.
Her favorite authors are Mitch Albom, Kate Braestrup and Ken Nye, a poet from Maine. Lisa lives in Marblehead, Mass. with her two cats, Sam and Elly.
The Zoom link will be provided if you send an email to
If you have trouble, email Richard Trudeau at with your phone number. He will call you back and try to help.
Please remember that our address is 309 North Main Street, Fall River, MA 02720 and that we have a secure drop box at the front of church building, so that you can keep up with your pledges and donations in support of our church. A BIG thank you to all of our friends who have consistently honored their commitment to our church during this difficult time. and think of creative ways to donate to our church. Weed the gardens, cut the brush down in the play yard, cut the bamboo down on the back ledge, sweep the drive, edge the walks, clean the yard and the list goes on. Use your imagination.
Hope to see you this week. And, as always, if you no longer want to receive these notices, let me know and I will remove your email address. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, send them a copy of this email and let me know that you did.
Eric H Darling
For The Unitarian Church in Fall River