Humanism and the Seventh Principle --- In a comparison of these two Unitarian Universalist ideas, see how they meld with each other and with our understanding of who we are today. This Sunday's Service is led by the Rev Lisa Kirk.
Rev. Lisa Kirk graduated from Andover Newton Theological School with a Masters of Divinity in 2015. She is a member of the Arlington Street Church in Boston. She has served as pulpit supply in several pulpits over the past eight years in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut, and Vermont. She has worked in ministry for the homeless on the streets of Waltham, she currently serves as a prison chaplain and works part time as a hospice chaplain.
Her favorite authors are Mitch Albom, Kate Braestrup and Ken Nye, a poet from Maine. She lives in Townsend, Mass. with her two cats, Sam and Elly.
We will attempt to simulcast our service via Zoom. For those participating by Zoom, the experience will be different than previously. The hymns and other material will not be on the screen, and those present in the sanctuary will not be able to see or hear you. If you have an Announcement or a Joy or Concern to share, you should communicate it in advance to someone who will be physically present. The Zoom link is and the passcode is FallRiver (no space). To join by phone, call 1 646 876 9923. The meeting ID is 828 7946 1348 and the passcode is 556537114
***ORGFR (Our Revolution of Greater Fall River) meets monthly on every 2nd Thursday at 6 pm in the Community Room.***
We hope to see you soon. Maybe in Church on Sunday morning @ 10:30 am.