“Our Social Justice Forebears: The Transcendentalists and Brook Farm”

Rev Ann Fox

The Unitarian Church in Fall River


December 11, 2022 


“Our Social Justice Forebears: The Transcendentalists and Brook Farm”

            The Transcendentalists of the early 19th century greatly influenced our Unitarian religion and our Unitarian Universalism of today. Their exuberance in literature, poetry, spirituality and social justice rippled through the society of their day. But who were they and what was their connection to Brook Farm? 


Our guest this week is Rev. Ann C. Fox Minister Emerita, Unitarian Memorial Church, Fairhaven, MA


After careers in teaching secondary English, motherhood, and technical writing in software research and development, the Reverend Ann Fox made a midlife career change and earned a Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology. She was the interim minister in Kingston, Ontario, Canada for two years before being called to Unitarian Memorial Church in Fairhaven in 2001, from which she retired in 2014. She now assists with pastoral care at that church. In her retirement, she enjoys reading, gardening and walking with her spouse and spending time with her grandchildren (still mostly on Zoom these days).


We will attempt to simulcast our service via Zoom. For those participating by Zoom, the experience will be different than previously. The hymns and other material will not be on the screen, and those present in the sanctuary will not be able to see or hear you. If you have an Announcement or a Joy or Concern to share, you should communicate it in advance to someone who will be physically present. 

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82879461348 and the passcode is FallRiver (no space).


To join by phone, call    1 646 876 9923. The meeting ID is  828 7946 1348  and the passcode is 556537114


You can also see some of our past services. Go to   YouTube.com  In the Search box, type: The Unitarian Church in Fall River


Try it out and let us know how we did. If you do not want to receive these emails, please respond and you name will be deleted from our list.


Musings – How many times are you asked what church do you attend? What do you answer? When I answer ”Unitarian”, I am always asked “What is that?” How do you answer that question? I answer that I belong to a church where everyone is welcome, where we are united as a family in the belief of common good for the betterment of all of us. I do believe in God, a power greater than all of us.


Our Service On Sunday Morning Starts at 10:30 AM

The front entrance is the only door to be accessible, leading

directly into the sanctuary; the community room will be off limits

Masks are optional and will be provided along with sanitizer.

Coffee and tea will be provided, however, individuals may bring

their own coffee or beverage

Social hour will be in the sanctuary