“With Love at the Center: Article II Study Commission”.

Rev Paul Langston-Daley

This Week our guest leader is Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, who celebrates 25 years in ministry this year and is currently serving as the Minister of Social Action at First Parish in Concord MA and Assistant Minister at the UU Society of Fairhaven. He is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological School and the International Institute for Restorative Practices. Paul has served congregations in 7 states. 


Our Sermon for Sunday, January 29th is titled “With Love at the Center: Article II Study Commission”. As a living tradition our UUA bylaws require us to review Article II (our principles, proposes, inclusion and freedom of belief statements) every 15 years. We are part way through the process and this year we will have the first of two votes at our annual meeting to affirm or reject the proposed changes. Today we’ll take a look at those changes and learn more about the process.   Come and hear what our thoughts are all about.  I hope you'll join us as we continue our search for ways to have a satisfying and productive life.


We will attempt to simulcast our service via Zoom. For those participating by Zoom, the experience will be different than previously. The hymns and other material will not be on the screen, and those present in the sanctuary will not be able to see or hear you. If you have an Announcement or a Joy or Concern to share, you should communicate it in advance to someone who will be physically present.

 The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82879461348 and the passcode is FallRiver (no space). To join by phone, call  1 646 876 9923. The meeting ID is 828 7946 1348 and the passcode is 556537114

You can also see some of our past services. Go to YouTube.com  


In the Search box, type: The Unitarian Church in Fall River


Try it out and let us know how we did.