Join us on March 14: Worship With Rev. Paul Sprecher, “Not Hearing.” All too often, our relationships falter because we're not really "hearing" one another (in some deep sense). Deep listening is a technique - or, better, a way of life - that helps us hear by learning to listen fully with our hearts, listen without judging or jumping to conclusions or marshalling counter-arguments. We could really use more deep conversations in our communities and in our nation right now! Vernon Domingo from First Parish in Bridgewater will be joining us to tell a very personal story about learning to listen deeply in his own family.
Rev. Paul Sprecher is the minister at First Parish in Bridgewater. Previously, he was the minister of Second Parish in Hingham for seven years. In other lifetimes, Rev. Paul taught seventh and eighth grade English and US History for ten years at the Collegiate School for Boys in New York City, then started a new career as a computer consultant and later as Vice President for Technology at the American Stock Exchange.
Please remember that our address is 309 North Main Street, Fall River, MA 02720 and that we have a secure drop box at the front of church building, so that you can keep up with your pledges and donations in support of our church. A BIG thank you to all of our friends who have consistently honored their commitment to our church during this difficult time.
Hope to see you this week. And, as always, if you no longer want to receive these notices, let me know and I will remove your email address. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, send them a copy of this email and let me know that you did. If you would like to join us for the service, send us an email and we will provide you with a link to our ZOOM service.
Eric H Darling
For The Unitarian Church in Fall River