Hello to our family and friends.
Joining us for our service on March 21at is the Rev Edwin Lynn. Our sermon is "It Might Have Been Otherwise: Spiritual Gratitude". The Reverend Edwin Lynn recently retired as minister of the Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church in Danvers, MA, where he had served the congregation for 33 years, retiring a Minister Emeritus. He is the past chairman of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Pamphlet Commission and has served as chairman of the UUA Unsung Heroes Awards Committee, President of the Massachusetts Bay District Ministers Association, and as a member of the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee. Reverend Lynn has also been active in the hospice movement and has served as President of Hospice of the North Shore, and for many years served on the board of the Isaac Munroe Foundation for Children. He also received a “Drum Major for Justice” award by the Danvers Diversity Committee.
Reverend Lynn is the recipient of a first place prize in the annual Unitarian Universalist Borden Sermon Awards for his sermon entitled “It Might Have Been Otherwise: Spiritual Gratitude.” He has served on the Borden Sermon Award jury, and for many years has been a member of the Billings Preaching Prize jury at the Harvard Divinity School. He was also awarded the National Sermon Award by the Society of Alcohol Education. In 1986 Harvard University awarded him a Merrill Fellowship, after which he served there as both Denominational Counselor to Unitarian Universalist students and as a Visiting Lecturer for 22 years, which included teaching the course “Unitarian Universalist Polity and Practices.” He is the author and editor of several denominational pamphlets, including the popular “Journeys.” He was also awarded the Minns Lectureship and presented six lectures on the history and development of Unitarian Universalist church architecture at the Harvard Divinity School and at the Thomas Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, California. In addition to his position as a Unitarian Universalist minister for over 40 years, Reverend Lynn is also a registered architect. He is the author of the book Tired Dragons: Adapting Church Architecture to Changing Needs and has written a number of articles on the subject of religious architecture. He has served as a lecturer and architectural consultant to over 70 Unitarian Universalist churches and was the Oppenheimer Lecturer at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at State College, Pennsylvania. Rev. Lynn’s newest book, published in 2011, is Shore Lines: Life Lessons From The Sea, in which he creates a connection between the seaside environment and human experience through imagery and story. He is a graduate cum laude of the Syracuse University School of Architecture and received his MDiv from the Thomas Starr King School for the Ministry. Reverend Lynn and his wife, Marj, live in the coastal town of Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Please remember that our address is 309 North Main Street, Fall River, MA 02720 and that we have a secure drop box at the front of church building, so that you can keep up with your pledges and donations in support of our church. A BIG thank you to all of our friends who have consistently honored their commitment to our church during this difficult time.
Hope to see you next week. And, as always, if you no longer want to receive these notices, let me know and I will remove your email address. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, send them a copy of this email and let me know that you did. Email us for the ZOOM link so that you can join our service.
Eric H Darling
For The Unitarian Church in Fall River