“Are You A UU Mystic Without Knowing It?”

Rev Richard M Fewkes

“Are You A UU Mystic Without  Knowing It?”Welcome to Rev Richard M. Fewkes. 

Dick Fewkes has served three churches in the Ballou Channing District: (1) First UU Society in Middleboro (1964-69), (2) is the Minister Emeritus of the First Parish  in Norwell, MA where he served from 1969 to 2000, and (3) as Interim Minister at the First Parish UU Church, Bridgewater,  2000 – 2002. He resides with his partner Connie Johnson in Sagamore Beach, has a summer home on Cape Cod in West Dennis, is a grandfather to eight grandchildren, five great grandchildren, and is a member of the UU Meeting House in Chatham, MA.

We will attempt to simulcast our service via Zoom. For those participating by Zoom, the experience will be different than previously. The hymns and other material will not be on the screen, and those present in the sanctuary will not be able to see or hear you. If you have an Announcement or a Joy or Concern to share, you should communicate it in advance to someone who will be physically present. 

The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82879461348

and the passcode is FallRiver (no space).


To join by phone, call    1 646 876 9923. The meeting ID is  828 7946 1348  and the passcode is 556537114


You can also see some of our past services. 

Go to YouTube.com In the Search box, type:

The Unitarian Church in Fall River


Try it out and let us know how we did