Sermon Audio Downloads

Recent Sermons


"Open Up The Doors"

Rev Danielle DiBona

Rev Danielle DiBona Joins us on November 3rd with her sermon topic:  “Open Up the Doors”.  Unitarian Universalism has a saving faith that we are blessed to be a part of.  And, we know that others would be blessed by our faith as well. So, let’s throw open the doors and invite them in. 


For more information call (508) 678-9700, check out our Facebook page or go to our web site We are located at 309 North Main Street in Fall River. Our service starts promptly at 10:30 AM. 



"Bridging (or Healing) the Political and Religious Divide"

Rev Ann Fox

On October 27th, Rev Ann Fox joins us for Sunday Service. Her Sermon is "Bridging (or Healing) the Political and Religious Divide". Even if we close our eyes and ears tightly, we cannot shut out for long the cacophony of political dissent that surrounds us. How can we better understand the minds of liberals and conservatives so that we can more peacefully journey into 2020, a potentially chaotic and disturbing election year?



"Sacred Hospitality"

Katie McQuage-Loukas

On October 20th, Katie McQuage-Loukas will join us with a sermon titled "Sacred Hospitality". In modern usage, we tend to discuss hospitality in terms of meeting the stranger, of welcome, and with a great emphasis on etiquette and host duties. It is this, of course, but it is also much more. Pre-Christian traditions treated hospitality as an ongoing, perpetual endeavor, applicable to establishing new relationships, but also to renewing and strengthening existing ones.




Nick Boke

On Sunday, October 13th, Nicholas Boke will speak on “Belonging”. He will speak about a number of experiences recently that have caused him to reflect on the sense of belonging, which is so central to the human experience. Sometimes it’s helpful, sometimes not so much. How should we think about this powerful emotion in relation to our personal, political and spiritual lives?



"One Atheist's Ten Suggestions"

Rev Richard Trudeau

Sunday, October 6th's sermon is entitled “One Atheist's Ten Suggestions”  - Rev Richard Trudeau joins us today with a comparison of atheist Penn Jillette’s “Ten Suggestions” with the original Ten Commandments. Our service starts promptly at 10:30 AM. Coming on October 13th, Nick Boke will be our guest leader. For more information call (508) 678-9700, check out our Facebook page or go to our web site We are located at 309 North Main Street in Fall River.



"The Order of Operations"

Dr Mike Boudria

Sunday, September 29th's sermon is entitled “The Order of Operations”  -  Mike Boudria PhD defines several Judeo-Christian religious terms and discusses their role in society versus their role in personal transformation. The terms in question are atonement, repentance, redemption, forgiveness, and faith. Our service starts promptly at 10:30 AM. For more information call (508) 678-9700, check out our Facebook page or go to our web site



"Peace Treaty"

Rev Vera O'Brien

Our Guest Minister on September 22nd is Rev Vera O’Brien. Our topic....Peace Treaty. How do we remain hopeful for justice and peace, and not feel helpless when confronted with the ongoing violence in our world?  Join us as we explore Unitarian Universalist and Buddhist answers to this question.



"The Pursuit of Wholeness"

Rev Paul Sprecher

For our September 15th Worship with Rev. Paul Sprecher, our sermon topic is "The Pursuit of Wholeness" - William Ellery Channing gave a sermon in 1819 - 200 years ago - that made us Unitarian.  As importantly, his idea of "Salvation by Character" remains a guide for each of us seeking wholeness in our lives.



"How Universalists Rewrote the Christian Story"

Rev Richard Trudeau

Hey, we are coming back. After being on our Summer vacation, we are having Rev Richard Trudeau lead us in our service on Sunday, September 1st. His sermon is "How Universalists Rewrote the Christian Story". The theology of Universalist pioneer Hosea Ballou shaped the viewpoint of most UUs today. Lisa Kirk will join us the following week, on September 8th, with a Water Communion service. Remember to bring a smalI amount from one of your favorite summer adventures to share with the rest of us. I hope you'll join us as we continue our search for ways to have a satisfying and productive life.



The Months of July and August

During the Summer of 2019, we hope that each individual takes the time to enjoy the season and comes back to Church in September  feeling reinvigorated and rested. We will have a busy season ahead of us. Remember to keep current with your donations and pledges so that we can keep current with our promises and accounts.